We took an old-school approach
The magazine’s staff collaborated with UR’s Book Arts Studio to manually typeset and print the art for the Spring 2024 issue’s cover story, “101 Things We Love About the University of Richmond.”
Above, Sarah Wirth, ’26, (in the black lace sleeves) typesets the cover copy for this issue with the help of Jen Thomas, program director of the Book Arts Studio in Boatwright Memorial Library. They are using a Vandercook No. 4 proof press manufactured in 1950 and purchased with funds donated by the Friends of Boatwright Memorial Library. The “101” and “of” blocks are wood type that probably dates to 1828.

Josie Scramlin, ’25, the student on the left in the image below wearing the green shirt, played a special role this issue. She hand-carved the linoleum block to create the red Spider on the cover. Her block is now a permanent part of the studio’s collection. Throughout the year, the Books Arts Studio works with faculty, students, and staff on projects ranging from bound oral histories, linoleum block printing, poster design, bookbinding workshops, comic making, and more.