Go Spiders They are the champions, my friend Spiders amassed an impressive collection of championship trophies and medals this academic year.
International Education Rivers of learning Representatives from Amazonian communities gave talks on campus and toured the James River in Richmond during International Education Week.
Typography We took an old-school approach Take a peek at the magazine’s collaboration with UR’s Book Arts Studio to manually typeset and print the Spring 2024 issue’s cover art.
Belonging & Community Spider storm A campus photographer got swept up by the wave — and lost a shoe — when students flooded onto the court after a big win.
Something Old, Something New 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... These photos show how longtime and emerging traditions are connecting generations of Spiders in old and new ways.
Photography Twilight The late afternoon sun casts a glow across Westhampton Lake as the cherry trees blossom in the spring.
Photography Twas the night before classes Students kicked off the semester with a New Year’s Eve-style Spider Drop.